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Friday 10 June 2016

I, a mother of two, find breastfeeding in public offensive.

Oooiiii!!!! Put away your milk duds!!

In all honesty, being a mother of two I find only one thing offensive about breastfeeding in public.

That one thing being that every time I see the goddamn beautiful, most natural  scene
ever it makes me want to have another baby so I too can breastfeed again!!!

 NO !!! My head shouts!! YES!!! squeals my empty ovulating uterus. Leave me outta this!!! murmurs my heart.

My stretch marks tingle. Okay okay I get it, I will win this battle of biology. I have already par taken in procreation thus fulfilling my natural purpose as a reproductive member of society. Twice. Boom.

Yeah, but, I don't get the big deal about the whole breastfeeding in public. I tend to look away out of respect even before I had kids. And I'm kinda busy having a life that doesn't revolve around other people's life choices. Because I don't care.

Like when scummy folk are staring me out of it I look away also, out of respect that they won't beat me up are rob me. I find them offensive. Noone is shaming them
in their natural habitat and nature?

The world is offended by everything, thanks internet and global communication, perspective and opinion. It's very exciting but very tiring. I could go on like a racist old yolk on The Nial Boylan Show complaining about Dem Forenners being the reason we don't speak Irish or lost or cultural identity.

Like, come on guys, there's more to life like a million tv series and documentaries to watch on Netflix!!!

The thing about opinions is they aren't fact and more importantly -I couldn't give a two-penny fuck about yours, your entitlement of it or your righteous bullshit. And I am sure the feeling is mutual.

Soooo, let's go do fun not have babies and admire the mommies doing their best for theirs. Because, at the end of the day, you wouldn't be here without the mommies and their boobies. Before someone, who ever they are, decided hey let's feed off cows breasts ....not weird at all... mmmm delish.

Anyway, put that in your tit and drink it!

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