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Sunday 13 April 2014

Lovely To Look At Delightful To Hold But If You Should Break It, Consider It Sold!!

If you have never read this on a sign in a shop before, it could be a marriage agreement in some other culture. Or a clever/creepy sign hanging in a brothel or S&M club.
I, of course, am using this term towards Heartbreak.

Now, when you think about the title of this blog again you start thinking... oh ya...followed by, ehhh noooo. Sold to who? And who was at fault for the break? Reasons? Maybe that's just me too much psychoanalyzing's why I cant do Stand-Up anymore, I analyze my jokes so much they piss me off and I start to look up counselling sessions cause the shite I just wrote there..ya I need help. Anyhoooooo....
Again 'sold' as in a metaphor for given away, returned, damaged goods, responsibility etc.
It may seem strange talking about heartbreak when I am in a very strong, solid, happy relationship with 1.5 kids. But hey, nothing lasts forever and you make it what it is. And I do believe some women, their ideas and wants make it worse for themselves. Looking back at my past I sure did.

A friend contacted me recently enough with details of her nasty break up and all the feelings she was feeling. Then all my heartbreak memories started flooding in, which was good as I was able to advise her like a pro!
Saying like a pro makes me sound almost like I was some heartbreak suffering, drama queen super slut. Drama queen; yes, heartbreak; a few, suffering; not for too long. The first cut was the deepest, as they say. I do believe there are different loves, break ups, reactions and results for different times in your life. You are ever growing, ever changing, ever learning. Some people are blessed or lucky to find someone who grows with them and they stay together forever. Not everyone finds someone and some find some later than others in the funniest of circumstances. That's what makes it all exciting. But life is not all about your relationship. Love is important and certainly adds happiness and comfort to our journey, but it is not the be all and end all. (But don't ever tell a heartbroken woman that, in the throes of pain who knows what they are capable of?) Heartbreak, after all, is almost like an illness.

 My first heartbreak; I could not eat, sleep and sometimes it felt like I couldn't even breathe. I did that really embarrassing convulsive crying, like I was going for an Oscar and all my family had been murdered, my face all red and puffy, like I was suffering from a nut allergy. My eyes looked more Oriental than usual they were so swollen with grief. Hilarious now when I think of it, but back then I was only 18. I had lost my best friend, the love of my life(as in I didn't know any better cause I was a child), I had nearly given up all my friends to spend every waking moment with this boy. I was alone. Stupid is as stupid does. But time heals all! I'm a firm believer of this even though I am extremely impulsive in my reactions to things but then clarity ensues. Then I mock myself. But at least I am aware and can admit to how I was/am. Now, those heartbroken feelings crept up momentarily in other relationship endings throughout my life. But never as bad. Experience blessed me with how to deal with emotional pain.

When I was younger, finding 'love/soulmate' was the most important thing once I had a taste for it (Before I had any hobbies or discovered how feckin' awesome I was on me own). The comfort, the love, the intimacy.. love certainly is a drug and I was an obvious addict and a dreamer. I was blessed with two good long lasting relationships before I met my current manslave. Everyone else was a notch in the bedpost... I know what you're thinking...'Ah she probably had no bedposts or frame left at all knowing her', but I was choosey with whom I left snoring beside me. Of course I had the few mistakes along the way but who hasn't? Mistakes are there to learn from. Anyway I was left heartbroken in both, for different reasons. One was my early 20's and was real love and great memories, personal growth and learning curves and the other one was the right time the right place sorta thing and I was so young and innocent (my first).

Now more memories, the more embarrassing ones flood in. The cringe ones that were clearly not real heartbreak but my own issues of not being able to handle rejection, feelings of loss of control, vanity bruising and a whole lot of other fancy terms I just cannot come up with now as I am getting demented flashbacks of crying embarrassingly to my cousin about one guy who was a right old nobjockey. And then crying to my bestie about another...and when I look back it has always been the men who rejected me, or didn't fully want me. I was in love with the idea of being in love, the addiction I had to the feeling of belonging, completeness. Daddy issues one might say.. but hey that story is for another blog altogether.

Heart break is no joke. It is a physical pain. It is felt in different ways depending on your life situation, your emotional IQ, your wants and needs, past experiences, your fantasy of what love and relationships should be for you. Women are born with that need to care, and heal, we are natural born mothers. That's why we put up with shit, that's why we fall for manipulators and mental f**kers and we think we can change them and look after them. We just be some crazy assed bitches just looking for a good ride and a cuddle if you catch my drift (drift is not a term for a sexually transmitted disease but sounds a hell of a lot better than 'You caught my aids' or 'if you catch my gonorrhea') . And drama sometimes make you feel alive when you are lost, depressed, or in need of filling the void (meant in more ways than eh eh *wink wink*nudge nudge*).
Be thankful for heartbreak. It was a lesson welcomed here many a time and has made me the person I am today... and I am pretty awesome.

Time heals all, and it certainly teaches. Love is honesty, truth and acceptance and should never hurt. Unless you are in that S&M club reading that sign.

PS my next blog will be called 'MY BLOGS ARE MUCH TOO LONG'

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